Beliau memeriksa dust collector no. 12 dan dapati ada benda seperti guni tersangkut pada rotary valve. Dengan guna tangan kanannya dia cuba tarik keluar benda itu tetapi dua jarinya iaitu jari telunjuk dan jari tengah telah tersepit ditarik rotary valve yang tidak dimatikan suisnya. Jari telunjuk dan jari tengah cedera paras kukunya. While the injured (Subramanian) was checking at the dust collector no. 12 and found tonne bag end stuck in the rotary valve. Not knowing the danger he quickly uses his right hand he tried to pull it out but unfortunately two of his index finger and middle finger was pinched drawn into the rotary valve is not switched off. His forefinger and middle finger nails and with some flesh got pealed where can be classified as severe injury level. He was immediately sent to the General Hospital to get immediate treatment.